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Someones misusing DPU capability LOL. Half the train is in the tow, the other half will be lifted down the line to form a typical '1+2' potash train, i.e.:
Engine/62 hoppers/2 Engines/62 hoppers (119-125 hoppers in total)

Normally this is done by two AC4400CW's up front (1 unit waiting @ mine already off wayfreight), however this lash-up includes a second power set of three units plus two wayfreight engines. To keep things simple the DPU power is separated via hopper.

June 25th, 2008
7:44pm CP N40?, from MP 105.00 Sutherland sub 2 minutes
CP 8564-UP 8298-CP 3088-3020-CEFX 1045/hopper/CP 9572-UP 8287/60 hoppers
That's an EXTREMLEY bizzare lashup. I can't imagine CP would try to run unit Potash train with the Geeps...
They aren't... the extra power is most likely being deadheaded to a yard.

Russian, do you know where the fourth unit is added? The potash trains I see come in off of the Taber sub robotized, and then they have to de-robotize in Kipp (most of the time) so the power can be switched, and then robotize again in Fort Macleod. Always have four units.
Elijah, these Geeps are being forwarded to a potash mine where they'll be used for switching duties, i.e. they are not powering the potash train! In similar fashion I've seen 671 bring in a GP7u/9u between the AC4400CW's lifted @ Moose jaw. Clearly its not powering anything.

TrainMan12 , I think the 4th unit is added @ Lethbridge although I'm really not sure as I don't get out much...
Thanks Russian. Quite possible they are added at Lethbridge. I'm not out on the Taber sub very often.

I think if they can make Frank on the Crowsnest Sub they can make anything up and into Kingsgate. It's not uncommon at all for them to stall on Frank Hill, especially when they have the top notch quality UP SD90s.

But i could be wrong on this stuff. I think that the only real steep grades on the Cranbrook sub are at Fabro (but that's downhill for these trains) and at Caithness.

Kingsgate sub has a stiff southbound grade IIRC.

But i'm probably wrong.

I remember seeing one empty potash train climb Fabro with one SD90. They were probably doing only like 5-6 MPH up the hill and you could see the traction motors smoking. The echoed sound in the valley made the unit almost deafening. Pretty steep.

PS: Does 672 return via the mainline?
As far as I know, the 672 mainlines. I caught it in Moose Jaw once.

As for helper cutting, I think they put the extra units on in Calgary. But that might just be for Vancouver trains.
671/673 are routed through Lethbridge. 671 cuts off at Fort Steele and takes the Windy sub up to Golden. I've never seen a 672 return thru Lethbridge.

KootenayValleyExpress is the guy to ask I guess, but since I said this here he probably won't answer

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