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"Railliner Rehash" or "ModernDayliner"
CN 15016, Everybody's favorite rebuilt RDC inspection car, came to Riverview. While in the area the RDC was coincidentally assigned to cover the route of VIA 680, the oldtime RDC sevice from Regina to Prince Albert, making trips over the Warman, Watrous and Craik Subdivisions in proper fashion.
Right you are Elijah! It occured to me today that last year I caught a SRS Doodlebug on the CTRW, now its replaced by a CN RDC. I'll post my photos of it later, its officially been re-numbered 1501 BTW.
This is what I like to hear, RDC Service?
Back in the day, there was whole lot of RDC service! The 1501 covered the entire route, except mayb for the stretch past Warman.
Elijah, I think he went all the way to PA, being called 772 South for a reason! Besides like I said CTRW had a SRS doodlebug last year, the kind CP normally uses, hence they're into that kind of track testing. I wonder if he came all the way down to Regina though, coming back north on the Craik implies he was turned around @ Davidson? Otherwise why not head back to Melville while testing the Quappelle sub, be faster too! Not to mention they need the testing more given the large amount of traffic relative to the Craik sub.
Of course. CP for instances leases their TEC train to MMA I think and other shortlines nearby when the train is in the area. This allows them to perform nnecessary testing without getting their own train/RDC together, while earning the CLASS I more money from their investment.

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