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CP 8217 & 1501 nay look alike, but their lives are quite different. CP 8217, GP9 started life in 1954 as CP 8502; CP 1501 started life in 1952 as 8409. Today 1501 is a proud leader of the 1501+1566 belt-pack switcher set, while 8217 and sister 8218 are the elite roadswitcher units assigned to the TEC train. Sadly for me this photo has no significance except for comparison purposes, as I have seen both engines separately many times prior.

The reason I'm posting this photo, is since its neat to compare the little differences betwene them, for example real bell vs. an electric one; different "CP" font size on the nose, different Danger signs, number boards etc. Also note the snow plow stored in the backround.
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