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Milwaukee Road 630
Here's the first Milwaukee Road photo I took. It was in Bellingham WA, May 19, 1962. SW1200 630 was excercizing trackage rights on the Great Northern main to Vancouver B.C.. They were less than half a mile away from their own rails that led up the hill to downtown Bellingham. I had accidently bought a roll of Kodachrome and now, after 42 years, I am happy I did. All my off-brand slides have colour-shifted and faded.And check out that old NYC boxcar!
Cool!!! That looks like it was taken at Pine St. He looks like he is pulling into the Milwaukee yard.
WOW great shot. Yes that's Pine Street, the old ferry slip is behind the engine. That big building is still there and so is some of the old yard, sadly no more Milwaukee Road though. Thanks for sharing Ross!
Forced to get my 1976 timebook out, worked Bellingham a couple of weeks that year (off the Seattle Yard board), but alas no Eng 630; we had the 627.


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Vintage Freight Train Photos - Diesel Era
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Ross Pugsley
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