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CP Derailment

CP Derailment

Photo speaks for itself.
Come on Elijah, lets be respecfull now - probably a poor trainee learning to operate a belt-pack unit...
Come on Elijah, lets be respecfull now - probably a poor trainee learning to operate a belt-pack unit...

I suppose I was a bit harsh...but the CP has mocked me every time I have attempted to fan them!
The best part is they just replaced the ties in that track and now they are all split again. Man I love it... Epic failure. Other than my rant below, great shot Roman, glad you were there too catch it.

"It was a bit harsh i found railroading is not easy stuff like this can happen all the time."

Yes stuff like this happens often; however, the company puts all of their silly antics, rules, and policies into place so that when things do go wrong, the running trades are the first to be blamed and statistically often receive the punishment. You might have been following every rule that you can come up with but the managers will find something to get you on - I guarantee it, unless you are in tight with the boss man.

"It isn't a matter of breaking the rules to get the job done, it is a matter of knowing what rules you are breaking to get the job done."
Haha how do you mean they have mocked you?

They have earned my devotion as a Railfan, but they don't award me for it. I know train watching takes patience, but 8+ hours is too long for me. They put out a track warrant, nothing departs. It's sickening!

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