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CN 314 diversity
June 29th, 2008
From MP 25.00 York sub
9:13am CN 314 (W/B), 144 cars 9 minutes
CN 2309-IC 6000-1012-BCOL 4643-CN 5734
17 autoracks cut, 5 boxcars cut, 7 center-beams (5 cut), 2 flats, 12 gondolas (5+4 cuts), 73 hoppers (10+34+13 on the back), 28 tankers (10 cut)

This beautiful train starts off as a hoppers/tankers drag on the PNL.
I have trouble catching 1 IC unit u caught two and ones a SD70 i need to go to saskatoon more often.
Thanks guys.
CN/BNSF, trains with that many engines do run in Manitoba!


Cal, IC units are faily common on CN in the Praries. 1 on every 10th train I'd say. Mostly SD40 series, SD70's & Dash 8-40CW's can be seen as well, Dash 9-44CW's are also very common, quite a few lead!
Looks like the PNL matters to CN!
CPs PNL had intermodals 103 104 at onepoint now its just 104 because of the siding lengths. So CP 103 is now on the CP Main line

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