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Branchline potash
Branchline trains are supose to be boring, powered by SD40-2's on their last leggs and GP38-2's. Then this snake shows up! 4AC4400CW's with a ~124 car potash train, likely 672 from Vancouver. Normally empties like him get 3 engines, but he got 4, and they're all facing the same direction, which is really rare! The train stopped right in front of me to get the lead switch, then slowly struggled on to make it inside the yard, the GE's had a hard time.
I don't know, but they were pulling into the yard very slowly after stopping. I've seen two AC4400CW's take off much faster with a 90 car IMS train. Speaking of two AC4400CW's, CP 9663-9661 took this train into town yesterday.
It depends on how much power is applied, who knows maybe they were instructed to go slow, you cant just compare this to a regular IMS train you know.....
Roman, coming into the yard from the East like this poses a problem with sightlines due to the highway overpass. Rule 105 in the CROR states that we have to be prepared to stop within one half the range of vision of equipment, track units, and switches not properly lined. The East yard could have been out too, and ultimately these guys would have "chased them down the lead" towards the short tracks for example.

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