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SF #3751 & California Limited

SF #3751 & California Limited

Former Santa Fe #3751 and the California Limited excursion train drift past Water Street on the Pasadena Subdivision. Next stop, LAUPT to kick off a four-day round trip run to Bakersfield and return in December 1991.
When this train came into Chicago, it was raining cat's and dog's. I filmed it coming out of the valley where Lemont sits and approaching Willow Springs. I had a plastic bag covering the camera. The noise from the rain hitting the bag, the thunder and the catching 3751 bursting through the fog, charging up-hill wailing her whistle is something I'll never forget. I have to get that tape copied so I can post it on-line. Thanks for the memories Herb.
Thanks for the great reply Jerry.

The 1992 Employee Appreciation Special with the #3751 was quite a deal. I chased it out here in Southern California, but not east out of state. I've seen the videos of all the heavy rain that hit the excursion in IL. Most memorable I'm sure. I am familiar with the area you did your filming in. Sounds like we both have some great memories to share from that excursion. She just doesn't get out enough!
Thanks Curious!

It has been several years now since the #3751 has made a major mainline excursion. Most trips in recent times have been to local Southern California destinations for educational display purposes. A significant restriction in terms of operating an excursion has been in the Cajon Pass area where construction of a third mainline with crews and equipment everywhere basically prohibits it. I'm quite certain that BNSF would not approve anything now.

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