Railroadforums.com is a free online Railroad Discussion Forum and Railroad Photo Gallery for railroaders, railfans, model railroaders and anyone else who is interested in railroads. We cover a wide variety of topics, including freight trains, passenger and commuter railroads, rail news and information, tourist railroads, railway museums and railroad history.



All I can figure is that this is a trainer headed to somewhere. Notice that the cab has some sort of lighting post next to it. The loco has no wheel trucks under it and a very light frame. A strange load for a truck indeed!
Microsoft Train Simulator 2.0 Ultimate Edition. Now available online for only $449,999.95 (plus shipping and handling) Full control simulation package, and an earth shaking subwoofer in the short hood... Sponsored by Consumer's Energy since it requires 12.2 kilowatts to run. :rolleyes:

OK, serious answer, it looks way too legit to be anything but the real thing. Those lights on the side are pretty standard stuff for remote control locomotives in industry settings, so that's what they're for. Looks like the carbody for some sort of industrial switcher, though I can't specify the make and model since I'm not really that well versed on them.
The lights on the side are usually found on a remote control engine. Trucks underneath may have made the engine too high for bridges, I'll bet they're on another truck. That would be a nifty little industrial switcher.
OK on the lights, but what about no louvers on the hood? Also, I couldn't help notice that it's painted in the new GE green loco colors. Battery powered maybe? And the light frame?

I didn't see the trucks on another semi, but then it was rush hour so maybe they got seperated in traffic.
Comsumers Energy is a utility in Michigan, I believe this is their new switcher to replace their SW1200.

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