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On patrol
A typical CN police cruiser, patrolling the mainline, as always giving a wave. From a distance it looks like your regular RCMP cruiser, in fact it only says "CN" on the small SD75I loco decal on the cab door.

The photo is now historic, since the switch in the background was removed in 2005. CN just couldn't afford to have two tracks leading to a Prarie branchline, so one had to go. Only the switch is gone, the track itself is still in place, technically a ~150ft spur.

If you're ever visiting the Montreal HO club by the station, check out the CN Police HQ next door, they have a whole parking lot of these cruisers.
He sure was, whenever someone reported me for being present trackside, a cloud of dust would rise over the mainline as the cruiser sped toward me. Then recognizing that it's just me, the constable would wave, turn around and slowly drive back. Although I don't keep records of this, I think it happend about once a month.

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