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North Serrano Cantilever Signal

North Serrano Cantilever Signal

This cantilever signal watches over North Serrano, one of two passing tracks on Cuesta Grade. Cuesta Grade is where the former Souther Pacific Coast Line passes from the Salinas Vally over the Santa Lucia and into the city of San Luis Obispo. I believe there are only two of these cantilever signals left on the Coast Line. I took this photo on a night where some fog had started rolling into SLO. It can be seen in the background reflecting light from the city.
Thanks, glad you enjoy it. I'm gonna stick around SLO for the first week or two of chirstmas break, and one night i'll take a sleeping bag up cuesta and redo this shot. I just need to get a night with no fog. This one was exposed for about 15 min before the fog that was reflecting city light just got too thick and i called it quits. Gave kinda a neat look, but i wanna do a much longer exposer, something one the order of a few hours. Maybe i'll take my F2 up and do it on slides too.


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