Railroadforums.com is a free online Railroad Discussion Forum and Railroad Photo Gallery for railroaders, railfans, model railroaders and anyone else who is interested in railroads. We cover a wide variety of topics, including freight trains, passenger and commuter railroads, rail news and information, tourist railroads, railway museums and railroad history.

IPSCO is a scrapper in Regina, with an intersting locomotive roster of 7 engines (S-2, 3 S-3's, SW900, SW1200 & NW2), most of which are of CP heritage.

#10 is a 1956 SW1200, ex-Cuyahoga Valley 1209 (acq. 1997), nee Aliquippa & Southern 1209. Note the IPSCO badging (round decals), overkill safety stripes, various beacons and the cab ladder. He's seen shunting a number of GCCX (ex-CP?) bathtub gondolas, along with RLGN (ex-CN) ballast hoppers, being loaded with scrap by an adjacent crane.

I could of made a closer crop, but decided to leave the car wheel in the foreground, as it adds a nice touch. IPSCO is a scrapper after all!
Dammit Roman, put up more images! This thing has been headlining your page for Monthes!
Thanks Elijah. Yes I miss posting pictures actually. Might as well start posting one photo a day again to keep things intersting. Thanks for keeping me in check! As there's always something to do I'd likely never get around to doing it, but a photo a day isn't an unreaosnable request. I'll start with Thunder Rail.
You're welcome Elijah, I'll post a real odd catch tommorrow - 3 SD50F's! leading a manifest.

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