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CN CP Dimond, Gladstone

CN CP Dimond, Gladstone

Via 693 heading toward CN/CP Dimond in Gladstone, MB were CN Gladstone Sub crosses CP Minnedosa Sub which is just past the far bush, the track on the right is the CP north line. Signals seem not to be used any more Via train had to get cleance number before getting there. Gladstone is a nice town with proably about 6 trains a day 2 CN 852/853 and than Via about every other day and than CP with the 103/104 plus proably 2 grain trains daily some running with DPU sometimes.
Delta Jct. is at Portage La Prarie not Gladstone. Also, those approach signals and home signals at the diamond are in service. They are apporoach lit and don't come on until you are almost at them.
Thanks still not sure why i heard Delta Junction on the scanner maybe different train i heard but not sure.
Ya i only made it out today to catch the 198. But last night there was about six or seven trains. Any clue if they will be some still running the north line even after mainline is back open?

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