Railroadforums.com is a free online Railroad Discussion Forum and Railroad Photo Gallery for railroaders, railfans, model railroaders and anyone else who is interested in railroads. We cover a wide variety of topics, including freight trains, passenger and commuter railroads, rail news and information, tourist railroads, railway museums and railroad history.

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I railfanned in a 2 places today, catching CN, CP, CEFX, SOO, BC Rail, & GCFX (WC).

The reason I chose this shot, is because it's a regular train with nothing special about it, exept for the non-CN trailing unit.
Yes, GCFX was, until recently, the most common foreign power on CN. Lately BC Rail has replaced it. All GCFX SD40-3's (6030-6079) are actually CN owned, curently being patched up and re-numbered WC 6900-6949. Just noticed that this is the last one in the series!
Nice shot of a nicely painted unit. Save for the pictures here at RRF, I myself have only seen one.
I see these trains all the time. Nothing special, just Center beams, coil gondolas, boxcars, the odd hopper or tanker. It's still cool to see though.

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