
Railroadforums.com is a free online Railroad Discussion Forum and Railroad Photo Gallery for railroaders, railfans, model railroaders and anyone else who is interested in railroads. We cover a wide variety of topics, including freight trains, passenger and commuter railroads, rail news and information, tourist railroads, railway museums and railroad history.

  1. Got Couplers?

    Got Couplers?

    A pile of old couplers at Brooklyn Roundhouse in Portland, OR.
  2. Good Old Chessie Lives, but looks Tired.

    Good Old Chessie Lives, but looks Tired.

    Here is a RCPHE4, exGP40s #6629 in Chessie Paint, with B&O Sublettering. She looks do battered and bruied from the many years of a Abuse she was put throught on the Railroad. But its a good thing CSX still has units like this around. Telus6429 Ian Windsor,Ontario...
  3. Old Center Cab GE

    Old Center Cab GE

    Squamish Ry.Museum, Sept. 2003.
  4. Old Rusty Alco

    Old Rusty Alco

    Photo from the Squamish Ry. Museum. Sept. 2003.
  5. Old Essex Station on CVRR line

    Old Essex Station on CVRR line

    This is one of the old Train stations still around. It was mostly a freight stop. A new structure serves the Dinner Train excursion business for the CVRR. Location is Essex, Connecticut.
  6. CVRR Steam Locomotive

    CVRR Steam Locomotive

    Photo was taken in 2001 on business trip to Connecticut. Taken at Essex Station which is now used for the Dinner Train Excursions. Engine was still using coal to fire the boiler. It was getting ready to make the dinner run that evening. Photo was taken about 4:30 PM.
  7. UP3985 Gaining Speed

    UP3985 Gaining Speed

    UP3985 pouring the oil to the boiler to leave Houston, TX after Super Bowl XXXVIII, taken on 2-3-2004 at approx. 8:32 AM along Holmes Road heading East to return to Cheyenne Wyoming.
  8. Amtrak westbound in Old Greenwich Ct.

    Amtrak westbound in Old Greenwich Ct.

    Amtrak # 163 w/AEM7# 926 heads westbound in Old Greenwich Ct., at 3:13pm on Feb.8th, 2003...Next stop...Penn. Station in NYC.

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