
Railroadforums.com is a free online Railroad Discussion Forum and Railroad Photo Gallery for railroaders, railfans, model railroaders and anyone else who is interested in railroads. We cover a wide variety of topics, including freight trains, passenger and commuter railroads, rail news and information, tourist railroads, railway museums and railroad history.

  1. VLI 8123

    VLI 8123

    Cargueiro com tricotrol de SD40-2BB liderando #8123 sentido Eldorado em Contagem - MG.
  2. VLI 4155 and 2505

    VLI 4155 and 2505

    VLI G12 4155 and U20C 2505 parked on track #3 in EVP yard.
  3. VLI 4155

    VLI 4155

    VLI G12 4155 parked between U20C 2505 and BB40-3 8122 on track #3 in EVP yard.
  4. C317 at Km 623.

    C317 at Km 623.

    Train C317 at Km 623 near ERE siding.
  5. Switching train V607.

    Switching train V607.

    Switching train V607 in EVP yard.
  6. Magnesite train in EVP.

    Magnesite train in EVP.

    Magnesite train leaving EVP yard. Vespasiano, MG Brazil March 3, 2023
  7. FCA coal train in EVP.

    FCA coal train in EVP.

    Coal train with a trio of GT26 departuring EVP bound to EPM. February 12, 2014
  8. fca & VLI

    fca & VLI

    VLI is a new division inside Vale Mining Co and is takink over fca. Here we see two GE U20C with the old and new livery.
  9. New FCA RollingStock

    New FCA RollingStock

  10. New FCA RollingStock

    New FCA RollingStock

  11. FCA 4826

    FCA 4826

    Locomotive BB40T-2 4826 between BB36-7s 8509 and 707 while leading an empty grain train in EEL yard.
  12. Train at EVP yard

    Train at EVP yard

    Locomotives U20C 2697, 2696, 2569 and 2540 leading a train of fuel tanks cars and Holcim cement cars at EVP yard. In the background, we see the yard switcher locomotives 2682 and 2681.
  13. Under the Freight Car

    Under the Freight Car

    Well, there were two locomotives at the fueling facility in Lobato yard, and many gondolas stop between us. So, I use my zoom lens and took this picture from inside the car
  14. Grain Train

    Grain Train

    A FCA grain train leaded by Vale BB40-9W 1151 and 1265, FCA U20C 2682 and 2585 at the Km 622.
  15. FCA 2964

    FCA 2964

    Locomotives GT26CU-2 2964 and 940 starting the switching operations of a coal train at station yard. Date: July 23, 2010
  16. FCA 936

    FCA 936

    FCA 936 and other GT26CU-2 switching at Vespasiano yard.
  17. Dr Lund yard

    Dr Lund yard

    FCA 2684 and 2687 stopped at Dr Lund yard to change the engineer halph way.
  18. FCA 6112

    FCA 6112

    FCA 6112 between a couple of "maromba" cars. These cars are used to switch on dual gauge yards. Note it has two different trucks:one narrow and other broad gauge. The locomotive is narrow gauge and uses these cars to switch MRS broad gauge cars.
  19. FCA 3664

    FCA 3664

    FCA 3664 running along Vespasiano yard.
  20. FCA 3808

    FCA 3808

    FCA 3808 and 2955 switching soybean cars at Vespasiano yard. The grass is a bit high because the rains of March.

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