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Regina ALCOs

Regina ALCOs

  • Romet
Not sure why more railfans dont flock to this place, must be the scrap dust (all bulldozer operators wear face masks, you can even see one in the background!)

Former IPSCO #1 & #7, nee US Army (Ohio) 7114 S-2 (retired 1972) & CP 6531 S-3 (retired 1976) respectively.

I wonder why these units are being stored @ Wheat City Metals, since theyre using former IPSCO #5 (ex-BN 493 nee GN NW2) for switching duties. ex-BN 456, another NW2 is just ahead of #7, with crane #310 on the other side.

Perhaps they are a part source for the other IPSCO ALCO, #8 ex-CP 6583 S-3 (retired 1986) - the only engine I have yet to shoot on the property.

On the bright side these locomotives arent going anywhere, been sitting like this since at least winter of 2007 when I first saw them. Note that albeit derelict, #7 still has his IPSCO decal! With the acquisition of the plant by EVRAZ, active units have been patched up, nobody cares about the deadline though.
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