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Poplar River Mine Rail

Poplar River Mine Rail

  • Romet
The Poplar River Mine Railway aka Prairie Mines & Royalty Ltd. (nee Luscar Coal & Prairie Coal) is a small 12 mile shortline located just 3 miles north of the Montana border. With a fleet of two SD40-2s, GMTX 6973 nee ONT 1731 via PRSX & LLPX 6949 nee MP 3181 via GCSX (both leased), they move coal from the open pit south to the power plant utilizing a 22-car train set. Interestingly the Railway was using two SW1001s for the task until fairly recently wonder why they need 200% more power now?

Note the roll cage protecting the rear headlight.
Looks like white paint isnt the best choice for a coal road gets dirty very easy!
How many cars do they have on each train?
Thanks guys! Elijah, its all good until you run out of gas in the boonies after not budgeting for chasing a coal train up and down the hills. Would you believe that there is not one single gas station for 77 miles? And they charge a 6.5 cent middle of nowhere premium! I had a farmer selling me gas from his lawn mover... Guess he doesn't need to mow the lawn when it's -35F outside.

Clayton, 22 cars/train. Interestingly all the cars are slightly different in terms of logos/safety stripes etc. Unless they have a major yard that I missed, I'd say they only have maybe 30 cars? Its a fairly closed circuit operation. The other SD40-2 must be on stand-by, or working out of Beinfait even to support/replace their TR4A.
Both SD40-2's work strictly out of the mine at Coronach. The TR4A 5706 is still in service at Beinfait. Mine trains are usually about 20-25 cars long and only shuttle between the mine and the power plant, with balloon tracks are each location.

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