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Krderen station on the Krderbanen

Krderen station on the Krderbanen

Krderen station on the Krderbanen. The locomotive is taking on water. 7/7-2002

This picture was taken earlier this summer on Krderbanen, our longest railway museum. Krderbanen was meant to be put down, but it was saved by NJK (norwegian railway society). The locomotive is one of the 4% saved from the scrapper. It is in use every sunday through the summer. This loco is no: 236 and it is a type 24b. It is a superheated freight locomotive with a top speed of 45 km/h. It was built by Thunes mekaniske verksted in Oslo in the year 1912 as their locomotive no: 59. 236 is a great puller with a low axle pressure (12 metric tons) well suited to a small secondary line. 236 was taken out of use by NSB in 1970. It's driving wheels are 1250mm on diameter and it weighs in at 91,5 metric tons. It's 16,535 meters long.
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