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GM engine
A GM engine of one of FCA BB40T-2 under overhaul at Divinopolis shops. Does somebody knows the model of it?
Obviously a 16 cylinder something.if you look on the engine itself you will find a tag that says what it is. The tag is usually somewhere right around where that ok is written onto the engine. but it may be on he other side
Just a guess, but if it's out of a 40 series locomotive it's a V16-645 of some sort.
Most likely a turbo charged 16-645E3C. There weren't many 567 turbo models made, and he did say its out of a 40T-2. You can tell its a turbo due to the one single exhaust manifold with no stacks. A roots (super) blown engine would have 2-4 mainfolds, with 2-4 stacks going up. Looks like an FDL in the background there as well.
A friend of mine from GE Brasil said me this one is a GM-645E3, from a GT26, BB40-2 or BB40-T2.

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