Railroadforums.com is a free online Railroad Discussion Forum and Railroad Photo Gallery for railroaders, railfans, model railroaders and anyone else who is interested in railroads. We cover a wide variety of topics, including freight trains, passenger and commuter railroads, rail news and information, tourist railroads, railway museums and railroad history.

Canadian is the Best Passenger train............

Canadian is the Best Passenger train............

The Famous Canadian goes by rivers and rounds the curve a grants cut. Note i finally got it accepted in Railpictures but i like this site more but we wont get into that its not the time nor the place
This is a fine shot. What was the reason they gave for rejecting it? Everyone gets rejected there from time to time. Sometimes agree with their reasons for rejecting mine; other times I don't. Getting accepted by any specific site should not be a reason to go out and capture images. Good job on this image.

It doesnt matter what I do ... RP wont accept any more of mine. I have some nice ones I have fixed up. I have one of a historical caboose that they rejected for a bad angle ... angle totally isnt bad.

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