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A real SD45

A real SD45

Passing through Cheney, WA, last week, we hoped we could locate this SD45. Not only did we find it, but it was parked in a clear spot (shot was taken from a "public" parking lot) and in beautiful light.
I'm glad you like and got a picture. If I see it next week I don't know if I can force myself to look at it or take a picture - the paint is killing it for me. Is faded primer even a color?
To answer some questions: It is indeed a "real" SD45, complete with the 20 cyl diesel engine. The Eailroad is Eastern Washington Gateway, EWG, operating 108 miles from Cheney WA to Coulee City WA. Here are the details:

8924: SD45, built 09/1971 as SCL 2024. Builder # 37715, frame # 5784-1 Became SBD 8924, CSXT 8924, VMV 8924, MRL 8924,IMRL 8924. Assigned MRL number 382 but never renumbered. SBD gray.

While the paint is ugly, 8924 is a good running locomotive.
Mr. Vain: "Is faded primer even a color?" That's not faded primer, it's faded CSX gray.

And after a week of seeing 100 or so BNSF H2-painted Dash-9's, this WAS a real treat. To each his own!
Rob, after having spent a week in your neck of the woods I see exactly what you mean now. The H2 Dash 9s are everywhere and they get old fast. It's too bad as BNSF has so much colourful stuff: light blue Oakley SD60s, blue CEFX AC4400CWs, purple CIT SD90s, yellow ATSF SD40-2s, pink ATSF SD75s, grey BN Executive SD70s, etc. Yet all Washington seems to get is the common stuff. Back to the subject at hand, I was comparing the NIWX to a MRL SD45. After seing both my opinion still stands - Montana Railink blue looks much nicer.

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