Why an expen$ive, precision, must-be-inspected/maintained, target signal mechanism instead of three lamps?

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Robert Gift

OL Presenter
Am wiring a Union Switch & Signal DC STYLE H-H2 SIGNAL mechanism to operate on our bookshelf.
Its glass bottom reveals the contacts and electromagnet coils which move the \GREEN RED BLUE/ "colorelles" into the light path
to project out of the signahead. BLUE creates the Lunar (white) signal color.

Would three-lamp signals [:] , which also show position, not be.tter and much less expensive?

Thank you.

The RED colorelle is in the light path when no current to the electromagnet coils. (Fails RED)
When 10-VDCurrent flows Plus to Minus, the GREEN colorelle is drawn into the light path.
Minus to Plus repels(?) the BLUE colorelle into the light path.

The 10-Volt incandescent light bulb has two filaments. If the brighter filament burns out, the lower wattage (higher electrical resistance)
filament illuminates. Train crews can discern the dimmer signal and report it to the Signal Department.

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