Not sure how many of you are familiar with my work, but I really enjoy doing nighttime photography, both using ambient light as well as flashes. When I use flashes, however, I tend to shy away from just flooding the scene with light, instead thinking about the shot and strategically placing flashes through the scene to intentionally create shadows and drama. It requires much more planning and thought, but I feel that it produces a much more appealing photo in the end.
Back in the winter of 2016, I decided to mix things up and shoot stills with flashes using my Mamiya RB67 medium format film camera, instead of my usual digital kit. I instead relegated the digital equipment to record video of the approaching steam train and catching the flash as I exposed the film. I melded the two media together into this short video - about a minute and 20 seconds long - which highlights two of the photos I took on two separate outings with the film gear. If you're curious, these photos were shot on Ilford Delta 3200 film, developed in Ilford Ilfortec DD-X developer.
This was taken on the Valley Railroad in Essex, Connecticut where they operate a highly successful North Pole Express train in the winter months. They run three hot steam locomotives, typically 6 nights a week and at least three runs each, through November and December, and typically sell out every single train.
I'd be happy to answer any questions - and yes, the crews know where I'm at in advance and the flashes don't bother them. Part of my lighting design planning is to minimize the light falling on the cab.
Back in the winter of 2016, I decided to mix things up and shoot stills with flashes using my Mamiya RB67 medium format film camera, instead of my usual digital kit. I instead relegated the digital equipment to record video of the approaching steam train and catching the flash as I exposed the film. I melded the two media together into this short video - about a minute and 20 seconds long - which highlights two of the photos I took on two separate outings with the film gear. If you're curious, these photos were shot on Ilford Delta 3200 film, developed in Ilford Ilfortec DD-X developer.
This was taken on the Valley Railroad in Essex, Connecticut where they operate a highly successful North Pole Express train in the winter months. They run three hot steam locomotives, typically 6 nights a week and at least three runs each, through November and December, and typically sell out every single train.
I'd be happy to answer any questions - and yes, the crews know where I'm at in advance and the flashes don't bother them. Part of my lighting design planning is to minimize the light falling on the cab.