Need info about some coupling pins is a free online Railroad Discussion Forum and Railroad Photo Gallery for railroaders, railfans, model railroaders and anyone else who is interested in railroads. We cover a wide variety of topics, including freight trains, passenger and commuter railroads, rail news and information, tourist railroads, railway museums and railroad history.


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I work for the water department herevin Tacoma Washington. A few months ago one of our crews was working on the water mains down on St. Paul Ave. Which is located in the industrial part of town. During the excavation they found these two coupling pins that appear to possably be from thev old link and pin days. The one with the bulbous handle has the initials "PF&I" stamped into it. Any thoughts as to what those stand for? Could they be the company that produced the pin? Photos are attachedk uploadfromtaptalk1411183521304.jpguploadfromtaptalk1411183535212.jpg
On a hunch I queried Pacific Foundry and Iron, but did not find anything. At one time Joseph Simon & Sons had a scrap yard somewhere in Tacoma that specialized in scrapping diesel engines.

I moved the thread again to what I think is the appropriate forum where hopefully it will garner some responses. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to - An online railroad bookstore featuring a curated selection of new and used railroad books. Railroad pictorials, railroad history, steam locomotives, passenger trains, modern railroading. Hundreds of titles available, most at discount prices! We also have a video and children's book section. - An online model railroad bookstore featuring a curated selection of new and used books. Layout design, track plans, scenery and structure building, wiring, DCC, Tinplate, Toy Trains, Price Guides and more.

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