Major explosion and evacuation at Plymouth WA. The LNG plant borders the Fallbridge. Initial report said they had a commercial structure fire in the center of the site and a breech on one of the 1 billion sq. ft. tanks and the plume was heading east towards Plymouth. We could hear someone on the fire command channel shouting "get out now". Then they switched to another frequency. The radio has been pretty quiet for the last hour since they switched to tactical channels. A two mile evacuation zone has been set up.
Major explosion and evacuation at Plymouth WA. The LNG plant borders the Fallbridge. Initial report said they had a commercial structure fire in the center of the site and a breech on one of the 1 billion sq. ft. tanks and the plume was heading east towards Plymouth. We could hear someone on the fire command channel shouting "get out now". Then they switched to another frequency. The radio has been pretty quiet for the last hour since they switched to tactical channels. A two mile evacuation zone has been set up.