
Railroadforums.com is a free online Railroad Discussion Forum and Railroad Photo Gallery for railroaders, railfans, model railroaders and anyone else who is interested in railroads. We cover a wide variety of topics, including freight trains, passenger and commuter railroads, rail news and information, tourist railroads, railway museums and railroad history.

  1. PARATINGA 9312

    PARATINGA 9312

  2. Switching at Murtinho yard

    Switching at Murtinho yard

    MRSL 3798 is an ex-TFM C30-7. Here we see it with SD40-2 5246 and 5235 switching at Joaquim Murtinho yard.
  3. MRSL 3794

    MRSL 3794

    MRSL C30-7 3794 and C30-SF7 3507 at Barreiro yard.
  4. TFM in Brazil

    TFM in Brazil

    MRSL 3794 is an ex-TFM C30-7. Here we see it with U23C 3330 and C26-7MP 3655 at Barreiro yard.
  5. TFM in Brazil

    TFM in Brazil

    One ex-TFM C30-7 at Barreiro yard
  6. GE C30-7 #9227 Brasilferrovias (photo 2)

    GE C30-7 #9227 Brasilferrovias (photo 2)

    Locomotive model GE C30-7 #9227, built in 1979 (GE USA/42184), ex-Burlington Northern #5583, owned and operated by Brasilferrovias (Ferronorte) stoped at Sabo Yard in port of Santos (Sao Paulo state - Brazil). Photo by Rogrio Cordeiro
  7. Locomotives in Mayrink 94

    Locomotives in Mayrink 94

    Locomotivas adquiridas nos Estados Unidos. Originalmente tinham uma bitola de 1430mm. Aqui no Brasil passaram por um processo de mudana de bitola, passando a operar em bitola de 1000mm. (Acquired locomotives in the United States. Originally they had a gage of 1430mm. Here in Brazil they went by...
  8. Locomotives in Mayrink 89

    Locomotives in Mayrink 89

    Partindo para Santos. Uma longa viagem desde o estado do Mato Grosso. (Leaving for Santos. A long trip from the state of Mato Grosso).
  9. Locomotives in Mayrink 88

    Locomotives in Mayrink 88

    Trem carregado com soja para o porto de Santos, estacionado no ptio de Cangera. Aguarda licena para prosseguir viagem. (Train loaded with soy for the port of Santos, parked at the patio of Cangera. It awaits license for trip to continue).
  10. Locomotives in Mayrink 87

    Locomotives in Mayrink 87

    Locomotivas C30-7 adentrando o ptio de Cangera. Esto conduzindo trem carregado com soja para o porto de Santos. (Locomotives C30-7 penetrating the patio of Cangera. They are driving train loaded with soy for the port of Santos).
  11. Locomotives in Mayrink 74

    Locomotives in Mayrink 74

  12. Locomotives in Mayrink 66

    Locomotives in Mayrink 66

    Locomotivas operadas pela Ferronorte. Esto conduzindo trem carregado com soja para a Cargill. (Locomotives operated by Ferronorte. They are driving train loaded with soy for Cargill).
  13. Locomotives in Mayrink 65

    Locomotives in Mayrink 65

    Locomotivas operadas pela Ferronorte. Esto conduzindo trem carregado com soja para a Cargill. (Locomotives operated by Ferronorte. They are driving train loaded with soy for Cargill).
  14. Locomotives in Mayrink 64

    Locomotives in Mayrink 64

    Locomotivas operadas pela Ferronorte. Esto conduzindo trem carregado com soja para a Cargill. (Locomotives operated by Ferronorte. They are driving train loaded with soy for Cargill).
  15. Locomotives in Mayrink 63

    Locomotives in Mayrink 63

    Locomotivas operadas pela Ferronorte. Esto conduzindo trem carregado com soja para a Cargill. (Locomotives operated by Ferronorte. They are driving train loaded with soy for Cargill).
  16. SF 8090 C30-7

    SF 8090 C30-7

    ATSF 8090 painted in the pre ATSF-SP merger scheme in consist of a BN stack train running through Everett WA in early 1990\'s.
  17. Locomotives in Mayrink 52

    Locomotives in Mayrink 52

    Ex-BNSF, passou por reviso. Aguarda pintura definitiva. (Former-BNSF, it went by revision. Awaits definitive painting).
  18. On the Front Range

    On the Front Range

    BN 5591 parked on the siding next to the livestock loading chute in Greenland.
  19. Locomotives in Mayrink 29

    Locomotives in Mayrink 29

    Locomotiva sendo abastecida com areia. (Locomotive being supplied with sand).
  20. Locomotives in Mayrink 28

    Locomotives in Mayrink 28

    Locomotivas sendo abastecidas com areia. (Locomotives being supplied with sand).

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