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UPY 1195 ex-SP SW1500

UPY 1195 ex-SP SW1500

  • Romet
One of the 240 original SP/SSW SW1500s. What a fleet! No doubt used to serve the vast industrial areas of major cities where I keep seeing abandoned rail and right of way nowadays. To compare CP had a mere 72 SW1200RSs originally from GM. Only 106 engines were still around by 1999 to be re-numbered into the UPY series. Today the old yard dog has the sad honour of leading the Denver deadline. Thats a C40-8 behind him. Much younger UP 3896, 4388, 5003 & other SD70Ms of 2004 vintage in there as well (photos coming). Good opportunity for a foreigner like me to see an array of UP power from the last 40 years. A sad sad sight to see so many practically brand new engines out of work.

Im surprised the SW1500 is parked on a switch like that, preventing the use of a perfectly good shop track. Isnt there a general rule against parking on a turnout whenever possible?
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