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MRSL P1-07 yard
Lots of locomotives at P1-07 yard. The first two seen close to the hill are tail helps leaving the yard.
Were these Dash 8 locomotives purchased new or are the second hand units from the US?
Hi Txrailfan,
MRS bought the AC44i, C38MEi and C44i brand new at GE USA. Some C44 were built here using kits from Eire plant.
Hi Superchief3751,yes the SF30C on MRS fleet came from USA. Here is the list of them:
TLLX ? 9503 SF30C ATSF 8733 GEU U36C 38895 1973.04 MRS 3730
TLLX ? 9525 SF30C ATSF 8711 GEU U36C 38466 1972.06 MRS 3731
TLLX ? 9529 SF30C ATSF 8702 GEU U36C 38457 1972.06 MRS 3732
TLLX ? 9531 SF30C ATSF 8731 GEU U36C 38893 1973.03 MRS 3733
TLLX ? 9538 SF30C ATSF 8769 GEU U36C 40013 1974.11 MRS 3734
TLLX ? 9541 SF30C ATSF 8797 GEU U36C 40041 1975.02 MRS 3735
TLLX ? 9550 SF30C ATSF 8779 GEU U36C 40023 1974.12 MRS 3736
TLLX ? 9553 SF30C ATSF 8784 GEU U36C 40028 1975.01 MRS 3737
TLLX ? 9558 SF30C ATSF 8794 GEU U36C 40038 1975.02 MRS 3738
TLLX ? 9563 SF30C ATSF 8786 GEU U36C 40030 1975.01 MRS 3739

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