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GP38-2's and the YEOMAN BROOK

GP38-2's and the YEOMAN BROOK

A GP38-2 sure is small compared to a coal ship! The SCR/ex-DEVCO Geeps are helping load coal, which will be used to generate electricity in Nova Scotia.

The Canadian flag in the foreground isn't part of the loop structure, it's actually a private house. I took this and other photos of the operation, from a residential hill overlooking the loading loop.

I believe SCR has the distinction of being the most Easterly RR in North America. Only Newfoundland is located further east, but since 1988 they no longer have trains.
Nice shot. Too bad the wires are right there. Is the CN narrow guage in Newfoundland gone?
To the best of my knowledge it's all gone.
I have two other photos which better show the operation without the wires. http://tinyurl.com/2vbl9c http://tinyurl.com/2kxxyv
You can really see the ship wel in this photo though. I took pictures from the other side of the harbour as well, but the ship was blocking the train!

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