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Forgotten Shay
3-Truck Shay #6 was built in 1907 as Idaho & Washington Northern Railway #6. Later it was sold to Corbin Coke & Coal as #6. 1929 saw her being sold to Wood & English Company. In the early 1930's it was sold again and moved to the northern end of Vancouver Island to become Beaver Cove Lumber & Pulp #6. In 1936 she was retired and was being loaded onto a barge when she fell off the barge to the location she currently rests at. Now in the middle of the logging camp and can be seen at low tide #6 was stripped of most of its parts and was left to rust. Because it is in the middle of the logging companies property, I went to there office and got permission and directions to the location of the shay. It's only use now its to hold down the dock that's tied to it as seen in the background.

Some more info on it. Built by Lima in 1907, builders number is 1913, and weight is 70 tons.
Looks like a great habitat for shell fish too. Thanks for the history, it adds so much to the photo.
Great picture. I had heard stories about this loco but had never seen a picture of it. Truly, a picture is worth 1,000 words!

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