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Ducks n Snow

Ducks n Snow

Michigan has such great weather extremes! Just 4 days prior to this picture being taken on April 24th, 2005, it was 80 degrees in Port Huron. Now its 30 degrees and snowing hard at CSX's Port Huron Yard.
I don't know what to say. You've got the caboose, the geese, the snow...
There's also a mourning dove behind the two mallards. Indeed an unusual congregation in inclement weather.
The duck were originally in a puddle by the old Pere Marquette Depot (off to the right and out of the picture). When I got out of the truck, they made there way to the rail and I snapped a few shots before my lens got covered in snow. The doves were eating some cracked corn the train crew must have tossed out for them. There was also pigeons in the mix, but they flew went I got out. All in all, it made for an interesting shot. Thanks for the comments

Dan Meinhard

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