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CP Rail transfer with 8415
CP Rail transfer to New Westminster with 8415 August 13, 1975
Nice shot!! Were you on a train or just on the bridge?
Nice shot, Ross. We seldom got to see the CP's fleet of Geeps here in SW Ontario.
I guess I should have given more information. (I uploaded it at work! heh heh!) I was standing on the bridge approach track that the BC Electric Railway (which became BC Hydro and now is Southern Railway of BC) uses to access the Fraser River bridge from the west. It is the same as the girder bridge in the photo that CN and BN uses from the east. The photo is not very sharp, the result of me useing the local One Hour Photo shop to scan my slides! The track in the foreground (with the strangely red rails!)was BN (ex GN). Notice the trestle has no guard rails. I have the going-away shot with the caboose; I'll post it if anybody wants it.
sure been a few changes to this scene in the past few years. Surprised no one kicked you off of the rail bridge. ;-)
Like to see the caboose shot.
How did this photo escape me?
See "cut-down" CP Geeps all the time, but the high-hoods are great!

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