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A Trail Runs Through It

A Trail Runs Through It

The view is from the cab as Ballard Terminal Railroad #98 waits for cross-traffic. A forklift breaks from loading operations to remove a sound barrier that is blocking the tracks.

The City of Seattle plans to run a bicycle trail through here. My kids won't be allowed to play here.
Gads, what a circus! what the heck does the sound barrier block? Gotta be enough sources all around to make it kinda useless.....busses, trains, cars, forklifts....surely a good urban planner could rationalize a Hospital quiet zone nearby....probably the same one that though a bike path would be wise...
The bicylce lobby is very strong in Seattle and they're the ones pushing for the trail. It's been quite a battle, but the city council just approved it. There actually is a hospital about three blocks away, but the sound barrier is required to reduce noise from the reefer generators to within acceptable limits per city ordinance.

By the way, the current plans do not call for any fence separating the trail from the railroad.
I agree - what a circus. I'd hate to have to run through here!

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