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The Graffiti Vacuum

The Graffiti Vacuum

Someone came up with this idea of converting their weed spraying equipment into an environmentally friendly method of removing graffiti rather than just covering it up with more toxic chemicals. As shown here, a company in Washington is test marketing the equipment with a local railroad. Unfortunately, the sales rep (whose motto was "spray it as well as you say it") forgot what he was selling and got a little too close to the suction nozzle and, well. . .
Cool, I like that shot. That'll show those dipknotted holigan graffiti buttclowns something about marking up railroad rolling stock.

Apart from Daffy, great shot! ;) ;) (It's a bit too much...)

Could you tell us, what's real? I guess the guy isn't really standing there (or is he?) and of course the spray isn't...
Hi Roni,

You're right. Larry was actually spraying for weed growth on the Meeker Southern Railroad. He was strapped onto a special contraption that consisted of a chemical spraying tank attached to a speeder trailer that was connected by drawbar to the MSN locomotive (an interesting photo in it's own right). I used my photo editor to copy him over to the Ballard photo (although I didn't bother to create any shadow that might have been cast by him).

Regarding my going too far with Daffy Duck - I actually went one step further and had him being sucked up into the "vacuum" as well. In fact, now that I've thought about it, I think I'll replace the original photo with the sucked duck.

Yes, I probably do have too much time on my hands, but I'm not over the edge, yet. I'M NOT OVER THE EDGE. I'M NOT OVER THE EDGE. . .

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