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CN Hydrocrackers

CN Hydrocrackers

  • Romet
These large Hydrocracker Reactors were build in Japan for the oil sands of Fort McMurray, AB. Consequently CN ran a special train, CN 351 from Thunder Bay with the five reactors separated by five ballast hoppers/gondolas, limited to 25mph due to W9 restrictions (wide load). In Saskatoon, the train was parked @ Nutana siding (major industrial park), before being picked up by the yard engines (two GP40-2s) for the remaining three miles to the yard.
It is nice to see Big Loads being move by rail!
Sure is. 24 axles for one is overkill IMHO, but I'm no engineer. Must be really heavy... I think I read somewhere that they're actually welded onto the flats - no point using chains for something this big. Given the low speed you'd think he'd take the PNL route.
You capturred the movement better than I did...there was too much mist for my position to work!
Roman, it appears I made a mistake...These may be "Fractional Distillation Columns", or "Frac Towers".
No worries Elijah, just Google it! Look here:
First photo is of Hydrocrackers Reactors
Looks very similar to our photos, but I'm no expert!

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