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Pre-Production GEVO Through Greeley.....

Pre-Production GEVO Through Greeley.....

UP 5699, which was one of the first Pre-Production GEVOs to appear in early 2003, makes an appearance on the Salt Lake City, Utah to Denver, Colorado UPS Z-Train (ZSCDV 12). The train seen passing through Greeley, Colorado.

Copyright 2008 By SD70ACe9370
Very interesting -- it sounds like the UP sends their SLC to Den trains through Wyoming instead of over the former D&RGW. Does the UP use the former D&RGW route for anything?

Thanks for the rating you guys. Curious, the reason UP doesn't run the ZSCDV and the ZDVSC over the former DRGW route is because UP had discontinued it on that line, and routed over Sherman Hill. But back in 2005, UP had a derailment in Wyoming, causing UP to run the ZSCDV and the ZDVSC over the DRGW Route. And UP uses the former DRGW Main for mainly every thing, except intermodal traffic.
Thanks for the info. Sounds like the UP has their own reasons for not running intermodal trains through the Moffat Tunnel.

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