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Former Santa Fe F7A #347C leads promotional movie special 1989

Former Santa Fe F7A #347C leads promotional movie special 1989

F7A #347C/F3B #347B participate in the fiming at the big curve into Cajon Pass Summit of a promotional video for the reintroduction of the famous Warbonnet passenger scheme on their freight locomotives on 2/8/1989.
Is that one of those F3A's that where made to look like an F7 by AT&SF? Because that B unit sure is an F3 but the A is numbered the same as the B.
Wow, this photo looks like a model railroad!
Thanks for the ratings! The lead unit is in fact an F7A, the former 39C during its days leading Santa Fe's finest streamliners. The booster is, as mentioned, an F3B. As you may know, neither of the units was operational during this photo session. The entire train was being pushed from behind by a pair of blue and yellow Santa Fe SD units.
I wished the ATSF kept these, rebuilt them and used them on their business trains.
Thanks nikon1. Now that would have really been something if they had used these units on the annual Rose Bowl special to Pasadena, CA on New Year's Day. Fortunately, I did see the Fs and the Alco PAs in everyday revenue service especially on the San Diegans in the 1960s.

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