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An Even More Unusual Angle

An Even More Unusual Angle

If you climb the rocky cliff directly across Nason Creek from the shot taken by TrainPohl:

you get this view of an eastbound train threading "the Slot".
So crossed the road bridge and hiked up and along that cliff? Or id you just cross the railroad bridge? It's a nice shot and I have thought of doing something like this but I'm a little too uncomfortable of crossing that bridge. It would not be good to have a run in with a train on the bridge!
Hiked in from Merritt. No bridges were crossed in the making of this photo.
(But don't ask me about some of the other photos taken that day further up the canyon!)
Martin Burwash
Nice work. John B and I were just talking about climbing up there when were up there towards the end of the summer. And you did it the snow! Tricky.....
Actually, it's easier in the snow. You can kick in and pack down steps up to that little shelf. I've taken three shots from up there, all when there was a good layer of snow. The biggest problem in the winter, when facing the gap, you are dealing with the wind blowing right in your face. The day this shot was taken the thermometer at Merritt was -1 F...so it was plenty cold huddled up on the ledge facing the wind and waiting for a train to show up!

Martin Burwash

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