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Britannia Pacific

Britannia Pacific

Detail from a much larger study of these locomotives...this is only a preliminary rough drawing. Photo of whole Painting will follow when complete! GUY.U.K.
Fantastic drawing. I enjoy looking at this type of drawing. Will you be doing the painting in water color or oil? Looking forward to seeing it.

Greg Elems
Greg, Thanks for comment.Re.the forthcoming Picture...It is 'mixed-media', i.e. this particular part remains a detailed 'line-drawing' with loco & tender 'coupled-up'; then there are 2 '3/4'views of the loco on trains,(using pencil,crayon,gouache water-based paint, & pen).The Painting itself is celebrating both the "Britannia" class Pacific locomotive AND the "Irish Mail Express", on which several of these locos were at one time used. ("The Irish Mail" ran between London Euston & Holyhead, in North Wales....I regularly used to see this as a boy at school there, & it was a 'highspot' of my young life!). One of the '3/4 views' will show the train coming out of the famous "Britannia tubular bridge" over the "Menai Straits" between Anglsey & the Welsh mainland....similar view to that shown on my "Duchess of Hamilton" Painting.
Best rgds, GUY.

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