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8557 East at Ozada

8557 East at Ozada

CPR AC4400CW 8557 leads a CEFX AC4400, a SOO SD60, and a CEFX SD90MAC eastward out of the Ozada siding after a meet with a westbound. Photo taken at 10:30am, Feb 15 2004.
I'm getting picky here, but I would like to not see the road in the shot. Step forward about 15 feet and this is a much improved shot. Did you try any telephoto shots of the train as it approached? Between the pole line, the tracks, and that background it could be a nice perspective.
Well, as I said on the thread, this is my favorite of your trip. And yeah, if you hadn't included the bit of gravel in the foreground...but since the picture is bigger than my screen, I can scroll around and frame it to whatever I want! And hey! it was a chase! Cut the man some slack!!!
Thanks for the tip Paul. I welcome the comment, as I hope I can improve my skills. Just some background...I borrowed a digital camera from work and was still trying to figure it out. :)
I think this picture is great, with or without the road.... pretty good consist, too! Look forward to see more.
Great picture, maybe you were rushed, but I agree with Paul, step ahead a few feet because the road in the foreground can distract the viewer from the subject and possibly add a touch of elevation and you would have yourslf a definate winner.

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