Welcome back returning members!

Railroadforums.com is a free online Railroad Discussion Forum and Railroad Photo Gallery for railroaders, railfans, model railroaders and anyone else who is interested in railroads. We cover a wide variety of topics, including freight trains, passenger and commuter railroads, rail news and information, tourist railroads, railway museums and railroad history.


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I just posted a message on Facebook inviting some of my friends to come over and check the place out. If you're one of them, and haven't been here in a while, welcome back, I hope you like the improvements.

First of all, if you're having any trouble logging in, send me a PM on Facebook and we'll get your account straightened out. I can reset passwords, fix out of date e-mails and even change your user name. You can also use the forum's private message system once you're logged in.

So what's changed? We're on a new faster server! Now hosted by Bluehost in Provo, UT. If the building had windows, the server would have a view of the old D&RGW Provo yard, it's right across the street. So that's kinda cool.

They've been very helpful in getting things running fast. The software is updated to the latest version. We have also installed SSL (https) so there won't be any "site is not secure" error messages.

Uploading photos is now super simple. You don't have to re-size the photos. If you can upload to Facebook, you can upload here. It works the same way. You can even use the "paste" command to insert your image into your message.

Do you have Youtube videos you want to share? It couldn't be simpler. Just post the URL. The forum automatically embeds the video, and of course members can click on it to view it full size on Youtube.

I've spent about a month migrating things over and getting everything secure and up to date. We've tested things out pretty thoroughly, but if you see any problems, speak up!

Don't have a membership yet? That's easy to fix. Registration is very simple and quick. Pick a user name, password, and tell us your e-mail address. That's it. There is no fee of any kind, no "premium subscription" no monthly fees. It's all free. You can also look around as much as you like before you register, forum content can be viewed by anyone.
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Welcome new members and returning old members. I suggest that all members review your personal profile and add your location. You never know,, there may be another member nearby with whom you can watch trains.
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Thanks Bob for the update here. Hopefully we can get more people to migrate over again. I would love to chat with you some time about how this is all set up and maybe some track work.
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Thanks Bob for the update here. Hopefully we can get more people to migrate over again. I would love to chat with you some time about how this is all set up and maybe some track work.

Welcome back, Nate. I haven't seen you (or anyone else since Covid-19) in ages. What are you up to these days?
Thanks Bob for the update here. Hopefully we can get more people to migrate over again. I would love to chat with you some time about how this is all set up and maybe some track work.

The setup is XenForo, which was created by the guys who originally coded Vbulletin. It's finally advanced to a point where it's much better than Vbulletin ever was, even before the "upgrade" that was in fact a downgrade. Lots of add-ons, like the photo gallery and featured articles page, and years of customization. All running on a dedicated server with SSL Certificate support for security site wide. Basically, it's the best forum software I could find that doesn't require a million dollar budget and a full time IT staff.
I was looking for the Park Trains Forum, but it doesn't seem to exist any longer. Is there any chance that it can be restored? My Avatar shows the Chance Rides 262 that I drove and maintained until my final retirement. It was part of that forum.

Almost a year later and still no response to my question, yet. Why was this category deleted? Can it be restored?

Still no reply to my question above.

Probably because no one saw the need to.
Is this the forum you are trying to get restored?

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RailroadBookstore.com - An online railroad bookstore featuring a curated selection of new and used railroad books. Railroad pictorials, railroad history, steam locomotives, passenger trains, modern railroading. Hundreds of titles available, most at discount prices! We also have a video and children's book section.

ModelRailroadBookstore.com - An online model railroad bookstore featuring a curated selection of new and used books. Layout design, track plans, scenery and structure building, wiring, DCC, Tinplate, Toy Trains, Price Guides and more.

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