Union Pacific Refrigerator Car Logo

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New Member
New member here. I live in the Southern Illinois. My house was built in 1950 entirely out of wood railroad car siding and beams. The insulation is 2 foot long sections of very heavy white fiberglass. It is encircled in brown paper. Open on the ends. Maybe refrigerator car insulation?
My question is about the logo. It looks like union pacific, however it has white stars on a blue background rather than words. I'm guessing it is refrigerator car because of the letters. Looks like a G.
Here is a picture of some of the wood after it was removed to add a larger kitchen windows.
Any information on what company or time period would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Anne


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A few more pictures of the siding


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This board has an O an IF and an E
Looks like a Missouri Pacific Line. Slightly different color scheme. Sometime between 1851 and 1950 when the house was built


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The one board looks like the Missouri Pacific lines. Except the saw tooth edge is black.


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Most of the siding has been uncovered at one time or another. The red boards all look the same. Missouri Pacific Lines ,black saw tooth edge rather than the normal all red logo.
Everywhere the red, white and blue Union Pacific logo is seen there are no union pacific letters. Only white stars across the blue field.


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Wonderful! How fun discovering this excellent reuse of boards and insulation. Painted side of the wood facing out to repel water.

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