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Private cars, or Private Varnish is one of the beautiful sights on the Southwest Chief. Here are some that have visited New Mexico that we haven't previously shared.
The Silver Splendor was built by the Budd Co. in 1956 as Chicago, Burlington & Quincy No. 4735, this stainless steel Vista-Dome...
October means Balloon Fiesta time and a change of the weather. Roots on the Rails is a travel company that runs charter rail excursions and this year’s West of the West train from Los Angeles to Chicago via the Sunset Limited and then Chicago to Los Angeles via the Southwest Chief features...
The village of Los Cerrillos was first established as a tent camp between the lead and silver mines of the Carbonateville to the north and the coal mining camp of Madrid and the gold mines of the Placer and Ortiz Mountains to the south.
Los Cerrillos flourished as a natural access point between...
I love private rail cars, also known as Private Varnish. I’ve always thought this would be the best way to travel and see the country if time was no factor. During the summer months, PV’s are fairly common on all the transcontinental trains as private owners vacation or the public charter cars...
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ModelRailroadBookstore.com - An online model railroad bookstore featuring a curated selection of new and used books. Layout design, track plans, scenery and structure building, wiring, DCC, Tinplate, Toy Trains, Price Guides and more.
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