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Powder River Basin Bound
BNSF 8850 leads an eastbound empty Unit Coal Train thru Thompson Falls,MT.It departed Centralia,WA headed for the Powder River coal fields for another load for the Centralia Steam Plant.The train is moving on the Thompson Falls siding after a westbound revenue freight passed.

Yes, that is one of the Centralia Coal train symbols.. The others, I believe is the E-CECRBM and E-CECSBM.. BNSF has about 70 to 80 empties and loads to Centralia, so a typical symbol will be E-CECSCM-1-78.. Empty Coal - Centralia coal, Wash. to Spring Creek Mine, Wy. of the seventy-eighth.. That means that symbol would have been the 78th empty to Spring Creek in the current year..

Hope that helps!!

Joe O, I would like to shoot there for an e/b in the early summer.. Looks like it works anytime with a steady cloud cover..


That would be the 1st section.. Sometimes, they will split a train up going over a mountain pass and have to reconnect it again.. For a short time late in '08 and early part of '09, MRL would split loaded westbound trains over Mullan Pass between Helena and Missoula..

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