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Hudson Bay Railway GP30 has been in storage for some time in Prince Albert. At the height of CTRW's success many engines were brought in from other Omnitrax lines. Many M420Ws and GP10s dominated the yard, however several SD9 chop nosed units were stored here, along with this Canadian oddball. According to crews at CTRW the GP30 has an electrical problem and will start fire if run, therefore they got it "dumped" on them. It will most likely find itself down in the states to be rebuilt.
This was unit was built as D&RGW 3001 - it's first GP30. This is a very historic unit and I hope it is saved.
So that is where it has been sitting for the past few years! Thanks for posting this shot.

Mark Perry Group Owner MB/SK Rails
Jon Bentz, why bother saving this particular unit? DRGW 3011 is already at the Colorado Railroad Museum in Golden awaiting funds for a restoration. Better fix up that one, donated by OmniTrax incidentally!

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