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Gravity Drop at Lynden, WA

Gravity Drop at Lynden, WA

Brakeman Ken Royal rides the cut while brakeman Algee Baldwin mans the switch while doing a gravity drop at Lynden, WA in April of 2002.

Lynden is located in NW WA near the Canadian Border. It is at the end of an 11 mile branch off of BNSF's Sumas Subdivision. These cars are going to the Darigold plant to be loaded with butter. Job RWE4191 services this line on an as needed basis (about 2 times a week). There isn't room to run around the cars so that is the reason for the drop.

This branch was part of The Milwaukee Roads branch from Bellingham to Sumas WA. It was bought by the BNSF when The Milwaukee Road abandoned their lines West of Miles City, MT in 1980.
So that's how they do that move in Lynden. I always wondered about that. Neat picture! Moo

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